


You can’t visit the exhibition Hélène Delprat.WITH MY VOICE I’M CALLING YOU
@kunsthallegiessen, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou

Ausstellung H. Delprat © Rolf K. Wegst
Ausstellung H. Delprat © Rolf K. Wegst



of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

Because of the Corona virus, the #kunsthallegiessen takes a break just like all other public spaces and institutions. Meanwhile, we will help you pass the time with digital impressions of Hélène Delprat's work in our current exhibtion "With my voice I'm calling you"
So don't miss our upcoming posts and stories on Instagram: @kunsthallegiessen #theexhibitionvisitsyou.

Stay healthy and reasonable and come visit us when our doors are open again.

Part 1 #flattenthecurve

of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

For those of you staying at home to flatten the curve and #fightcoronavirus: Here are the first impressions of our current exhibition 'Hélène Delprat. WITH MY VOICE I'M CALLING YOU'

Part 2 kyrieasini #goesvirtual

of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

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KYRIE ASINI dissolves the clear separation between historical facts and Delprats own artistic cosmos, in which her enthusiasm for the donkey motif is also evident. At the centre of the visual-acoustic work is the so-called medieval donkey feast 'Fête de l'âne', which is comparable to today's carnival. The originally biblical festival, which was once celebrated on 14 January in memory of the flight to Egypt, has changed over time into a frolicsome festival. At its centre was a satirized mass in which pagan rituals were incorporated. Of essential importance was the eroticized, alienated liturgical mass chant, which was ended with the word ‚hinam‘. The chosen fool bishop gave the blessing received, which was answered with animal sounds. In the ten-minute video you can see the artist herself with two donkey-ears made of white paper. In the background, you hear liturgical singing, to which the artist answers with the animal sounds. Interspersed with her own drawings and pictures, the video becomes a bizarre, partly Dadaist celebration of the former Feast of Fools.

© Hélène Delprat, ADAGP, 2020
Courtesy Galerie Christophe Gaillard

Part 3 #memories #makingof

of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

Part 4 #opening

of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

Part 5 #reactiontocorona

of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

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With this special video, Hélène Delprat reacts to her exhibition WITH MY VOICE I’M CALLING YOU closing due to the Corona virus. Enjoy!

Part 6 #details

of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

Part 7 Symptoms of Schizophrenia #goesvirtual

of the series 'You can't visit the exhibition, so #theexhibitionvisitsyou @kunsthallegiessen

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The intertwining of apparently incompatible systems is revealed in the video Symptoms of Schizophrenia. In grainy black-and-white images, one sees a series of masked people one after the other, gesticulating in front of the camera or frozen in a pose. The sequences are documentary shots of people in psychiatric wards in the 1940s, whose masks were propably intended to prevent them from being recognized. Without one hearing what they say, their behaviour in combination with the disguise is disturbing. Hélène Delprat reinforces the impression by repeatedly placing an artificial defect in the form of image noise over the pictures. At the same time, the pictures remind us of a theatre performance and the boundaries between healthy and sick, authenticity and play become blurred.

© Hélène Delprat, ADAGP, 2020
Courtesy Galerie Christophe Gaillard


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